
Respigard Respiratory and Immune Support, Lung Cleanse and Detox Supplement, Herbal Formula for Clear Lungs and Bronchial Wellness, Natural Lung Health and Immune Defense Booster

Respigard®: Celebrating 13 Years in New York


Respigard® and Skingard™

Respigard has  supported clients' Respiratory and Immune System challenges remarkably well during this past year ..and for the prior 10 years. 

During a lecture to The Shemel Institute at UCLA on June 17, 2020,  Dr. Patricia Gerbarg (Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychiatry, New York Medical College) and Dr. Richard Brown (Associate Professor in Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons), presented the science supporting the relevance of a set of herbal supplements in mitigating  or managing stress-inducing, viral respiratory/immune system challenges including Covid 19 (see our disclaimer: https://naturesnurse.com/pages/fda-disclaimer).  Among the notable set of botanical immune and respiratory system supports they presented is our proprietary extract of red mangrove,  Respigard®, developed by Nature’s Nurse International (NNI).   

" …I’ve had the experience of using Respigard for years for patients with severe cases of flu and often being able to knock it out in a day or two.   I’ve seen it where one member of a family takes it to prevent Covid and does not get sick… and the other family member who does not take it gets sick… There are many other cases like this… we clearly need to study this further.  It is so good for respiratory symptoms...including from other viruses…”

Richard Brown, MD , Associate Professor in Clinical Psychiatry

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

June 17, 2020

(see our disclaimer: https://naturesnurse.com/pages/fda-disclaimer)

See our BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY discussion further below on this Home page.

We are conducting an important survey:  Respigard® is being referred by independent physicians during this pandemic and demand has been higher than ever before. To strengthen our ability to be of help, we need client feedback data to share with public health leaders who are searching for solutions. We have prepared a thoughtful survey with the guidance of expert, independent evaluation experts. Please click on the Respigard® Survey button below to go directly to the survey. Your feedback will help guide us in our humanitarian service planning. Thank you. 

Respigard® Survey

Dr. Patricia Gerbarg, Dr. Richard Brown and Dr. Helen Lavretsky

All Natural Support for Respiratory & Immune Systems and Optimal Skin Health

Shop For 4oz or 1oz Respigard®


Nature's Nurse  was Founded and Funded By Educators:  

We are concerned about Teachers, Kids and School Staff for the 2023 Academic Year!

NNI  co-founder,  Dr. Ted Anders, is an educational psychologist, as well as a medicinal herbal supplement explorer and researcher.  He served as an Astronaut Training Manager at NASA and has guided school system improvements across the US and abroad as university professor and consultant  to Nobel Peace Laureates.  His parents, grandmother, cousins, great uncles, and great grand father were all educators in public schools and universities.   Our co-founder,  Resina Koroi in Fiji recently designed a leading edge "green" eco-sensitive school campus in Nadi, Fiji for the Catholic Church.   The Anders family non-profit organization, C and M LifeLine, Inc., founded by Rev. Charles Anders and Dr. Mary Anders, is in the process of completing the construction of the Nightingale Nursing School and Training Clinic in Siguatepeque, Honduras for impoverished students of high capacity and strong character.   This was an ecumenical effort of The Epsicopal Diocese of Honduras with the support of our Presbyterian, Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, and Buddhist colleagues.    Suffice it to say, the safety, efficacy, and excellence of our current US education decisions and  methods is near and dear to the hearts of our Nature's Nurse founding families.     

So, from a combined educational and natural supplement perspective, our goal on this website is to help make as many families as possible aware of relevant, safe, effective natural products at this time of unprecedented national health crisis.  There is, in fact, a natural "arsenal" of products available which leading physicians have observed and now are reporting anecdotal outcomes.   The arsenal includes our Respigard® and a complementary set of effective herbal supplements.* 

The purpose of  sharing information about this natural arsenal is to ensure the highest probability of safety and wellness for precious school children, teachers and staff. “BACK TO SCHOOL SAFETY” is an area of social service concern for our Nature’s Nurse team.  We know from more than a decade of experience that RESPIGARD® IS ESSENTIAL to have on hand prior to and after returning to school; because of the current Covid-19 crisis…and also because of all the typical seasonal immune and respiratory challenges kids, teachers and families face each Autumn.

For a list of "must have" natural supplements to support immune and respiratory system function, you can go to www.breath-body-mind.com*  This is the website of two of the world's leading integrative psychiatrists who specialize in the healing power of the breath: Dr. Richard Brown, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and Dr. Patricia Gerbarg , Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, New York Medical College      

 Among their recommendations is:  Respigard...which can be taken along with  Rhodeola rosea and Beta-Glucan, etc.*  

Regarding Respigard® made from red mangrove extract,   here is some phytochemical science data shared by Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg in their June 17, 2020 lecture to The Shemel Institute at UCLA: 

 “The red mangrove tree of Fiji has been used for hundreds of years there for respiratory and skin infections…  it has at least 27 compounds … which are anti- viral, immune enhancing,  anti-inflammatory and reduce pain.  Many of them are flavonols such as Quercitin and Kaempferol.  It is high in polyphenols … high in beta glucans…high in AHCC (or Active Hexose Correlated Complex) that is also found in mushrooms that improves the immune system function…  and, 7-Hydroxicumerin which can affect coagulation… and there are other related compounds.  … One of things Quercitin does is suppress high inflammation cytokine levels." 

For a full explanation of the natural supplement arsenal, you can watch the joint lecture by Dr. Richard Brown and Dr. Patricia Gerbarg to the Shemel Institute/UCLA  on June 17, 2020 on You Tube.   


When flying...

"We fly a great deal and are always suffering from colds and respiratory infections. After taking your “magic drops” (Respigard®), we are no longer experiencing those infections! We will never again travel without Respigard. Thank you!"

Prince Michael and Princes Christiana Von Habsburg, Vienna and Budapest


Thank you, Dr. Ted

"I am a licensed acupuncture physician and doctor of Oriental Medicine. I started using Respigard six months ago when I met Dr. Ted Anders. I was very impressed with the man, his integrity and his commitment to natural health. Since then I’ve used it for patients who have asthma and I have seen some great benefits. I’ve also used it for cases of upper respiratory infections, including in pediatrics. We have seen great results and we highly recommend Respigard for our patients. "

Dr. James McCall Flagler Beach, Florida


Friends & Family

"I have used Respigard for a very long time and have always been awed by the way it immediately Help ward off or eliminate colds and upper respiratory issues. I’ve shared it with friends and family… and clients for a long time."

Jan Mariette, Reflexology, Inc. Savannah, GA

When Flying

We fly a great deal and are always suffering from colds and respiratory infections. After taking your “magic drops” (Respigard™), we are no longer experiencing those infections! We will never again travel without Respigard™. Thank you!

Prince Michael and Princes Christiana Von Habsburg, Vienna and Budapest


RespiGard is a budget-saver—with both of us working and three children in school, staying healthy through cold & flu season is priority #1.

A. Colter, Atlanta, GA

Trouble breathing

I have Asthma—I won’t let respiratory infections take hold—I am a believer in RespiGard’s™ immune support properties and highly recommend it to anyone with seasonal or ongoing respiratory challenges.

K. Harvey, New York, NY

Red Mangrove® Harvest Team In Figi

Harvest Village Women Inspecting Each Mangrove Cutting


Saving The Planet